is what democracy looks like!
Video, 38 min., 2002
The video picks as a central theme the events that took place around
a demonstration against the World Economic Forum in Salzburg 2001.
In this demonstration, which was forbidden by the police, 919 demonstrators
were encircled in a police blockade and detained for over seven hours. |
tun? (What's to be done?)
Video, 43 min., online, 2002
Originally a program for the German-French TV station ARTE, the project
has been extended online. Whatstobedone.org/Wastun.org is a collaborative
streaming media project interweaving video, audio and text contributions
on the burning questions of a movement of movements. In Vienna it
will be first time presented in form of a video installation. The
films feature a general debate about the future of global activism,
and then portray three different campaigns: The Italian Tute Bianche,
the German Deportation.Class campaign and new labor struggles in the
Californian high-tech industries. |
is on my side
Video, 17 min., 2002
The video deals with political utopias - why we need them, what problems
we have with them, how we change our approach to them while getting
older, and why it's important for men to take care of their looks.
It's a cut-up from different science-fiction-movies (Godzilla, Star
Trek, Matrix) combined with a spoken background text.
Vorwärts, ihr freien Schweine! (Go on,
you free pigs!)
Video, 25 min., 2002
The focus of this video is our experience of power/domination-structures
- and how we get rid of them. Scenes are taken from cartoon movies
for children (The Emperor's New Groove, A Bug's Life, etc.). It is
very educational, very useful for your everyday life, a must for everyone
who has ever considered becoming a free pig. |

Public Netbase / t0, Zwischenquartier, Burggasse
21, A- 1070 Wien
October 7 - 11, 2002; 14:00 - 19:00 hours
